Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Set Wired Network Connection On Ubuntu

1. Click on network option on top right.

2. Then navigate to “VPN Connections” and click “Configure VPN”.

3. Click “Add” on “Wired” tap.

4. Now enter a name to your new connection.

5. And select “IPv4 Settings” option and select “Manual” on “Method” option.

6. Now click “Add”, and enter following values on specific fields.

7. Address: <Your system IP> Example:
                   Note: You can get it via entering “ipconfig” in ubuntu terminal.
  Gateway: <Your router IP / Gateway> Example:
                   Note: You can get it via entering “route -n” in ubuntu terminal.
  DNS servers:
  Search domains:

8. Check “Available to all users” check box, if you wish. So that anyone on that system can use this config.

9. Now click “Apply”.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What we can do with Laravel? or Why Laravel? - Link

Here you can found the answer for your first question about Laravel. (What we can do with Laravel? or Why Laravel?)

A short drive on Laravel features.

Learn JavaScript - String and its methods - 16

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>String and it's methods - JS...