Sunday, May 14, 2017

Learn JavaScript - String and its methods - 16

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<title>String and it's methods - JS</title>
<h3>String and it's methods</h3>
<h4>Please view browser console.</h4>
<span id="time_now"></span>

<script type="text/javascript">
// Simple Strings
var name = 'Ramasamy K'; // Simple string.
var name_2 = 'தமிழ்'; // Simple string.
var subject = "Ramasamy's Tutorial"; // String with single quote in double quotes. Reverse also will work.
var subject_2 = 'Ramasamy\'s Tutorial 2'; // String with single quote in single quotes. Double quote also possible in same manner.
var info = 'I am RamasamyK.\nAnd I am from India\t-\tIN.'; // String with single quote in single quotes. Double quote also possible in same manner.

// String Properties.

// 1. Length
console.log('Name length: '+name.length);

// 2. Prototype
console.log('Name prototype: '+name.prototype); // Will output as undefined.

// String Functions.

// 1. charAt
// Will return the character at the given position.
console.log('Char at 4: '+name.charAt(4)); // Start from 0.
console.log('Char at last: '+name.charAt(name.length-1)); // Getting last character of a string.
console.log('Char location not given: '+name.charAt()); // Default parameter value is 0.
console.log('Char at 999: '+name.charAt(999)); // Return empty if not found.

// 2. charCodeAt
// Will return the character code at the given position.
console.log('Char code at 4: '+name.charCodeAt(4)); // Start from 0.
console.log('Char code at last: '+name.charCodeAt(name.length-1)); // Getting last character's code of a string.
console.log('Char location not given: '+name.charCodeAt()); // Default parameter value is 0.
console.log('Char code at 999: '+name.charCodeAt(999)); // Return NaN if not found.

// 3. concat
// Will concatenate a string with given string(s).
// DON'T USE "concat" or "join". Always use "+" operator.
// Because "+" operator was more and more faster than other two.
var age = ' - 28';
console.log('Single concatenate: ' + name.concat(age)); // Single concatenate.
console.log('Multi concatenate: ' + name.concat(age, ' single.')); // Multi concatenate.
console.log('Single concatenate using array: ' + name.concat([age, ' single.'])); // Multi concatenate using array.
console.log('Concatenate using +: ' + name+age+' single.'); // ALWAYS RECOMMENDED.

// 4. endsWith
// Check a string ends with given string. Return true or false.
// Case sensitive.
// Second parameter denote length of the string to be consider. Default if string full length.
console.log('Simple endWith: '+name.endsWith('my K')); // true.
console.log('endWith case sensitive proof: '+name.endsWith('my k')); // false. Since endWith is case sensitive.
console.log('endWith with length: '+name.endsWith('ma', 4)); // true. Here length start from 1.

// 5. fromCharCode
// Will return the string of given decimal code.
console.log('Simple fromCharCode: '+String.fromCharCode(65)); // A
console.log('fromCharCode with multiple input: '+String.fromCharCode(82,65,77,65,83,65,77,89,32,75)); // RAMASAMY K

// 6. includes
// Check whether given string is found on a string.
console.log('Simple includes: '+name.includes('Ram')); // true.
console.log('Includes case sensitive proof: '+name.includes('Samy')); // false. Case sensitive.
console.log('Includes with starting position: '+name.includes('Ram', 1)); // false. Start from length start with 0.

// 7. indexOf
// Search a string on a string and return its first occurred location.
// Location start from 0. Return -1 if not found.
// Case sensitive.
// Second optional parameter will specify the search start from. Starting from 0.
console.log('Simple indexOf: '+ name.indexOf('samy')); // 4. Start from 0.
console.log('indexOf when not found: '+ name.indexOf('Samy')); // -1. Not found. Since case sensitive.
console.log('indexOf with start point: '+name.indexOf('a', 1)); // 1. Since search will skip first one character only. And will start from second char.
console.log('indexOf with start point: '+name.indexOf('a', 2)); // 3. Since search will skip first two characters. And will start from 'm'.

// 8. lastIndexOf
// Search a string on a string and return its last occurred location.
// Location start from 0. Return -1 if not found.
// Case sensitive.
// Second optional parameter will specify the search start from. Searching backwards.
console.log('Simple lastIndexOf: '+name.lastIndexOf('m')); // 6. Start from 0.
console.log('lastIndexOf with start point: '+name.lastIndexOf('m', 4)); // 2. Start from 's' and in reverse direction. That is search in [Ramas]amy K.
console.log('lastIndexOf with start point and external match: '+name.lastIndexOf('masamy K', 4)); // 2. Will also return same result. Start from 's' and in reverse direction. That is search in [Ramas]amy K.

// 9. localeCompare
// Compare two string an will return -1, 0 or 1 respectively is the main string coming in previous, on or after on sorting order.
var s1 = 'ab';
var s2 = 'cd';
console.log('Coming befor: '+s1.localeCompare(s2)); // -1. Since 'ab' is coming before 'cd'.
console.log('Coming on: '+s2.localeCompare(s2)); // 0. Since 'cd' is in same order of 'cd'.
console.log('Coming after: '+s2.localeCompare(s1)); // 1. Since 'cd' is coming after 'ab'.

// 10. match
// Search for a string using regular expression and returns it as it appears. If multiple appears and used g, returns in comma separated.
var str = 'The rain in SPAIN stays mainly in the plain';
console.log('Simple match: '+str.match(/ain/i)); // ain. Return first appears alone.
console.log('Multiple match: '+str.match(/ain/g)); // ain,ain,ain. Return all appears.
console.log('Case insensitive match: '+str.match(/ain/gi)); // ain,AIN,ain,ain. Do case insensitive search and return all appears.

// 11. repeat
// Repeat and return the string in no. of times which is given.
// Parameter is mandatory.
var str = 'Hi.. ';
console.log('Repeat: '+str.repeat(3)); // Hi.. Hi.. Hi..
console.log('Single Repeat: '+str.repeat(1)); // Hi..

// 12. replace
// Replace a specified string on a string.
// Case sensitive.
// Can use regular expression on string selection.
// By default the first occurrence only will be replaced. To replace all use global replace by regular expression.
var str1 = 'I know English and english is my second language.';
console.log('Simple replace: '+str1.replace('English', 'Spanish')); // I know Spanish and english is my second language.
console.log('Case insensitive replace using reg. exp.: '+str1.replace(/english/i, 'Spanish')); // I know Spanish and english is my second language.
console.log('Global replace using reg. exp.: '+str1.replace(/English/ig, 'Spanish')); // I know Spanish and Spanish is my second language.

// 13. search
// Search for a string or regular expression and return the postion of first occurrence.
// Case sensitive.
// -1 denote string not found.
var str = "Mr. Blue has a blue house";
console.log('Simple search: ''blue')); // 15. Case sensitive.
console.log('Simple search: '; // 4. Return first occurrence location.

// 14. slice
// Extract a part from a string.
// param 1: 0 based index, from where have to start slice. Can also be negative. When negative its start from -1 not 0.
// param 2: 0 based index, BEFORE which have to stop slicing. Can also be negative. Optional.
// param 1 always need to be greater than param 2.
var str = 'Hello Javascript';
console.log('Simple slice: '+str.slice(2,7)); // llo J
console.log('Single argument: '+str.slice(6)); // Javascript
console.log('With negative end: '+str.slice(1,-2)); // ello Javascri
console.log('With negative start and end: '+str.slice(-4,-1)); // rip
console.log('Single negative argument: '+str.slice(-4)); // ript

// 15. split
// Convert a string into an array.
// param 1: separator; can also be an regular expression. empty will split by char by char.
// param 2: limit. Optional.
var str1 = "He is an artist.";
console.log('Simple split: '+str1.split(' ')); // ['He','is','an','artist.']
console.log('Split with limit: '+str1.split(' ', 3)); // ['He','is','an']
console.log('Split with no sparator: '+str1.split('', 5)); // ['H','e',' ','i','s']
console.log('String reverse using split: '+str1.split('').reverse().join('')); // .tsitra na si eH

// 16. startsWith
// Check whether a string start with some specific string.
// param 1: string which we need to search. case sensitive.
// param 2: optional. Begin search on. start with zero.
var str = 'She is good.';
console.log('Simple startswith: '+str.startsWith('She')); // true
console.log('Simple startswith: '+str.startsWith('He')); // false
console.log('startswith with an index point: '+str.startsWith('good', 7)); // true

// 17. substr
// Extract a part from a string.
// param 1: Where to start. Start from zero. Can also be negative.
// param 2: no.of characters to select. Cannot be negative or zero. Optional.
var str = 'He is fine.';
console.log('Simple substr: '+str.substr(3,2)); // is
console.log('substr with out limit: '+str.substr(3)); // is fine.
console.log('substr with negative start: '+str.substr(-5,4)); // fine

// 18. substring
// Extract a part from a string.
// param 1: 0 based index, from where to start. Negative value will treated as zero.
// param 2: 0 based index, BEFORE which have to stop(like slice). Negative value will treated as zero.
// Small value will treated a start point and greater will treated as end point.

// 19. toLocaleLowerCase
// Convert a string to lower case.
// The conversation is based on local browser settings conversion mechanism. Because some languages has different type of conversions(Ex: Turkish).
var str = 'I am a Legend.';
console.log('toLocaleLowerCase: '+str.toLocaleLowerCase());

// 20. toLocaleUpperCase
// Convert a string to upper case.
// The conversation is based on local browser settings conversion mechanism. Because some languages has different type of conversions(Ex: Turkish).
var str = 'I am a Legend.';
console.log('Upper: '+str.toLocaleUpperCase());

// 21. toLowerCase
// Convert a string to lower case.
var str = 'I am a Legend.';
console.log('toLowerCase: '+str.toLowerCase());

// 22. toString
// Returns a string representing the specified object. Same like "valueOf" function.
var str = 'Hi.. JS,';
console.log('toString: '+str.toString());

// 23. toUpperCase
// Convert a string to upper case.
var str = 'I am a Legend.';
console.log('toUpperCase: '+str.toUpperCase());

// 24. trim
// Trim the string.
var str = ' I am a Legend. ';
console.log('trim: '+str.trim());

// 25. trimLeft
// Trim the string on left side alone.
var str = ' I am a Legend. ';
console.log('trimLeft: '+str.trimLeft());

// 26. trimRight
// Trim the string on right side alone.
var str = '  I am a Legend.  ';
console.log('trimRight: '+str.trimRight());

// 27. valueOf
// returns the primitive value of a String object.
var str = 'Hi.. JS,';
console.log('valueOf: '+str.valueOf());


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Learn Javascript - Call, Apply and Bind - 15

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Call, Apply and Bind - JS</title>
<h3>Call, Apply and Bind</h3>
<h4>Please view browser console.</h4>
<span id="time_now"></span>

<script type="text/javascript">
function sum(name, dep)
var c = this.a + this.b;
console.log(name + ' : ' + dep + ' : ' + c);
var obj = {a:55, b:67};, 'Ramasamy K', 'CSE');
sum.apply(obj, ['Kali K', 'EEE']);
var raj = sum.bind(obj, 'Raj S', 'ECE');


Learn JavaScript - String and its methods - 16

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